Colors create attraction, bring many emotions to customers. Therefore, when decorating a beautiful small nail salon, you need to pay attention to the choice of color. Here are some popular color tones when using nail salon decoration.

Pure white tone: Luxurious, classy, ​​trendy nail salon decoration with white tone. Each bottle of nail polish will be an outstanding highlight on a white background.

Lucky red tone: A beautiful nail salon design with lucky red color.

Blue: This is a nail salon design with a modern style to attract customers from the first time they come to the store.

Romantic pink tone: With a modern nail salon design, romantic pink color gives guests relaxation.

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Hopeful blue tone: Nail shop decoration is a way for you to show your aesthetic and professional eye to customers. A Nails salon design with creative blue color will attract customers and promote your business more.

Thiết kế tiệm nail tone mẫu nâu


Strength brown tone: Whatever the style, you have to really invest in the design to get a great Nail shop image. Each nail salon needs to choose for themselves a decoration style, which can be classic, modern and luxurious or it can also be lovely styles.

Faithful purple and white tone: Nail salon decoration is a way for you to show your aesthetic eye and professionalism to customers.

The lighting system in the small nail salon

In order to have a great space, nail salon owners should not ignore the installation of lighting systems. Here, I will "disclose" to you some secrets of choosing lights for decoration.

With nail salons, the lighting system should be adequate to meet the needs of use and have an appropriate light intensity. You should choose lamps with soft light so that customers can relax and rest.

Using LED lights to illuminate the space will help you save energy because the lights always have high luminous intensity, harmonious light, and the lamp's lifespan is always large, so it reduces the cost of frequent lamp replacement. Ensure the necessary brightness for everyone to work, no flickering during operation and no eye strain.

In addition, lights are also used to create effects and highlights for products. In nail salons, the main products are nail polish bottles, glitter boxes, gels, fake nails, etc. When you use LED lights with the right light, they will stand out more and stimulate the market. viewer's senses and they will decide to perform your service faster.

Hopefully, the above information on how to decorate a beautiful small nail salon can help you build your own style and brand for your shop.

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